Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Databases: Microsoft Access

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
DB Research
Database Products: Microsoft Access

“A database is an organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form.”[1] However, not every collection of data is a database so to speak, usually the data used in the database is in some form used in the organizational sense, such as managing and manipulating the personal and contact information for millions of customers, for example. There are many different types of databases to choose from, each offering a variety of organizational and personal benefits, depending on the specific needs of the individual or firm. There are desktop databases, which “are oriented toward single user applications, and server databases, which are geared more towards multi-user activities on high-performance servers.” Many types of database products exist on the market today and have offered users an un-paralleled way of organizing information.
One of the most widely known and popular database products is “Microsoft Access,” which is a “relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relationalMicrosoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools.”[3] In simple terms, MA is a tool to effectively manage, store, and manipulate a person’s or firm’s data or information. It runs pretty cheap, around 100-150 dollars depending, which is great for business firms that cannot afford the more expensive database products. With MA, one can reference their information at any time, report it to other users, and analyze information, transforming it into something useful for the person or the business. Microsoft Access is mainly for those who do not have such high requirements for data processing and data storage, not to say that MA cannot handle large amounts of information. MA is typically needed to “help you overcome the limitations found when trying to manage large amounts of information in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications.”[4] Navigation thought MA is very easy given the “graphical user interface.”
MA is commonly used on personal computers, however, can also be used through a network, where people from anywhere can have exchange information at a smooth and regulated flow. For small businesses, MA is a highly valuable tool, allowing users to manage personal information, also known as Personal Information Management (PIM). Many businesses use MA to collect and manage data on finances, human resources, employee relations, and other important genres of the business world. Nobody has to be an expert to use MA, and with the new database features, analyzing data and interpreting trends is easier than ever. Databases can be built faster and quicker than ever before using MA, as well as helping managers and business owners create better reports and business projects. People can also post their databases on the web, similar to what our class did in ZOHO. Adding your databases online can offer a variety of advantages, like viewing and editing them from the web on your mobile HPC or desktop. Another benefit to Access is it’s ability to import and export database information into other applications with ease including Microsoft excel, office, word, ect.
MA is available to everyone and makes organizational and personal life a lot easier when it comes to managing ones own information and data. “Whether your a large corporation, a small business owner, non-profit organization, or if you’re just looking for more efficient ways to manage your personal information, Access 2010 makes it easier to get what you need done more quickly with more flexibility, and with better results.”

Works Cited

1. Choosing a Databse for Your Organization.
2. Microsoft Access
3. Benefits of Databases: Types of Database Systems
4. What is Microsoft Access Used For?
5. Access 2010 Database Software Features and Benefits.

Answers to Questions

1. The newer versions of Access have newly introduced properties and many of the default settings have also changes such as formula applications for instance. Failure to investigate or update yourself on new information regarding MA can make a huge difference in the quality of database you create. Some of the problems with creating a new database are as follows. All the versions of Access, year 200 and later, have a property called “name auto-correct.” According to, “It tries to help users who rename a table field, so that queries, forms, and reports automatically recognize the new field.” One must turn off this app for each database you decide to create or a number of problems may occur with queries, forms, reports and it may not work with macros and code ect ect. For MA 2007 and later, it may be beneficial to uncheck the box “Enable Design changes for tables in datasheet view” when making different databases, depending on your specific tasks. Many of the default settings must be changed in some instances to get the most out of whatever the use is for your database.

2. Microsoft Access offers a huge competitive advantage in the business world, allowing that business to become more organized, and have a larger pool of data and information to draw from, which are used in the process of making important business decisions about the company’s future. MA allows a business to increase it’s efficiency, quality of service, and improving the work lives of it’s employees. Smart businessmen understand that competitive advantages can be attained with a highly advanced database management system tailored to fit their specific purpose(s). The reason MA is one of the most popular database management system products is because it allows customers of all educational backgrounds to cost-effectively solve many of their database problems. Organizations can analyze and interpret various forms of data using simple tools to get more done in less amount of time. Problems that can be solved using MA can be done so a lot cheaper than with alternate solutions, which in turn maximizes the organizations return on investment. Other advantages of MA include rapid application development, integration with other software such as excel and word, interfaces with many database formats, and generates reports in a more efficient manner. These other advantages can also help an org. gain a competitive advantage.

3. Although there are many advantages to using MA, lets not assume there is nothing Microsoft Access cannot improve on. For MA to stay on top of the list of database products it has to constantly evolve with new technology and consumer needs. For instance, Access is not ideal for Web Solutions. This means Access is not designed to make web sites and that the data access pages have limited use on intranets. There are also too many versions of Access and updating Access databases when updates are released is also challenging. There are certain programs that may be used to fix these problems, however, those features do not automatically come with MA. Access can also improve on certain security features for data and information protection. Even though MA is password protected, it doesn’t have the security features other SQL server or mainframe database systems have. The last thing I would suggest MA improves on is the size of certain databases on their program. There are databases on MA that are limited to 2 GB. If someone has data which exceeds the storage requirements, they cannot use Access to solve the problem entirely. Microsoft Access should allow for larger databases within their system to ensure that users with unusually large amounts of information can utilize their system.

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