Sunday, December 11, 2011

RAD: Rapid Application Development

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Week 13 Task 1
11 December 2011
Rapid Application Development

            “Rapid Application Development (RAD), is a process in software development that builds usable systems quickly (less than six months), without extensive planning.”[1] With the use of RAD, systems technicians can achieve rapid prototyping with very little planning efforts. RAD technology has been in existence for over 20 years and revolutionized the way software applications are built.
            A problem existed in the early 1970s where processing procedures were quite limited as far as time goes. The time it took to develop applications was failing to meet client requests mainly due to the fact that by the time software developers were able to complete the manufacturing process, the needs of the clients had already changed. In simple terms, software applications were not being produced fast enough to meet market demand. When larger products were finally completed, the main result was complete systems that were unusable.
            There was a major concern for dilemma and many developers tried to come up with a quick solution. “During the late 1980's Scott Shultz and James Martin refined the ideas of prototyping and iterative development into a methodology called Rapid Iterative Production Prototyping (RIPP) that focused on developing systems in a short time frame with small teams of highly qualified, motivated, and experienced staff.”[2] Shortly after, James Martin formalized this idea and in 1991, wrote the book “Rapid Application Development.”
            The major advantages to RAD are mainly speed and quality. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE tools), which transforms the needed applications into a usable line of code, and Time Boxing are the tools needed to develop software applications quickly. The use of RAD ensures a low maintenance cost as well as a timely delivery of applications that meet the needs of the user(s). Some of the disadvantages to using this product are “Reduced Scalability” and reduction of features in the applications software. Reduced scalability means that the software app might not fit well with other information systems. Some of the newer more advanced features of the apps are pushed forwards to the development of future apps to ensure they are delivered in the required time. In the end, the business must decide for itself whether or not RAD fits their needs and meets the requirements of the organizations to help them effectively achieve their goals.

Works Cited


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Management Information Systems and Decision Support Systems for Organizational Use

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Prof. Vengerov
MIS and DSS for Organizations

            MISs, management information systems, and DSSs, Decision Support Systems are highly effective tools for businesses and organizations to make better decisions which ultimately allows them to increase their competitive advantage and improve the organization’s overall success. Managers must not only have a complete understanding of the business they’re in and how to compete in the marketplace, but also should “understand how to use software tools, including DSS (decision support systems) and MIS (management information systems) to make the best decisions.”[1]
            MISs and DSSs grant managers and businessman of all industries entrance to a greater amount of information and data, improve their credibility, standardize information throughout the organization, and help businesses to become flexible and more adaptable. MISs and DSSs are two different things and their functions must be understood completely to achieve effectiveness for the firm as a whole. “A management information system (MIS) provides information needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively, and is used to analyze operational activities in the organization through people, technology, and information.” [2] A “decision Support System (DSS) is a specific class of computerized information system(s) that supports business and organizational decision-making activities.”[3]
            The function of a MIS and DSS is to provide large amounts of information to managers in an understandable form so they can make intelligent decisions based on factual information and data. These systems provide ongoing support by analyzing the business’s performance on a regular basis, providing long-term trends and analysis of sales, costs, revenue, marketing, and equity, while updating the organizations financial information. A manager of decision maker may reorganize this information as they need to achieve the individual needs of the firm and produce various types of helpful documents such as charts, balance sheets, and graphs.
            There are many different types of DSSs and MISs to choose from which are individually based on the goals and objectives of the organization. Many of these systems are highly complex and expensive which may be needed by larger businesses with a heavier work load and bank account. However, there are also MISs and DSSs that are made for small and medieum-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well. The MISs many businesses use today are created to assist managers in all aspects of decision making, while DSSs are much more “narrow in scope” and focus more on the financial information of the org.
            Once these information systems are initiated into the organization they allow for a greater flow of information. Managers and executives in all branches of the business can create and share documents which will ultimately reach all areas of the firm, rather than just one or two. These systems require all users of the system to store and retrieve data using the same interface, allowing information to be accessed easier, decreasing the burden on employees of learning a new information system. Managers can now share this information with each other and since they utilize the same information system, can work together faster to come up with better business solutions.

Works Cited


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Methods of Decision Making: Kepner-Tregoe Method

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Prof. Vengerov
Decision Making Methods: The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix

            Decision making can be a person’s most vital weapon in the ways of the world. The many different types of decisions we make in our lives directly influences who we are as people. Some decisions can lead us to greatness and some can lead us straight into the gutter. Therefore, the decision making process we all experience thousands of times a day plays a crucial role in determining where our lives have been going, and more importantly where they are headed.
There are all different types of decision making methods in the world, many of which can be very helpful in determining how one makes his or her own decisions. One theory on decision making methods that was proven successful was that of Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe in the 1950s. The Kepner and Tregoe Method was built on the notion that people could be taught how to think critically. “It is essentially a method for fault diagnosis and repair rather than for disorganized or systemic problem domains, or those where freshness of vision is essential.”[1] They believed their techniques could help people make unbaised, risk-assessed decisions.
This method is about making the best possible choice, not the most perfect one or the one that sounds the best. According to, “The Kepner-Tregoe approach is based on the premise that the end goal of any decision is to make the "best possible" choice.” One of the main ideas in this approach is to properly evaluate the important decisions you make while at the same time lessening the risk associated with it. This method instructs you how to set clear and precise goals or objectives, while attacking them from every angle, weighing the alternatives and deciding on the best route possible. Those alternatives must be weighed and compared with each other until one final solution is obtained. When a major decision is thought out in this manner it allows you to better forecast certain problems or obstacles that might present themselves at uncertain times and places. Those complications can easily be squashed if you have properly prepared yourself before hand, immediately allowing you to have control over the situation much better than you would have without the proper thinking techniques.
            The main objective in this approach is to help you to make unbiased, cold calculated decisions. Allowing your decisions to be made on emotions and/or gut-instinct will only hinder your decisions to be tunneled into your “pre-conceived beliefs or prior experiences.” Do not feel discouraged, this is the mold in which we were created. The Kepner-Tregoe approach is set up to limit that archaic, biased thinking and establish a more controlled and efficient thought structure, allowing risk analysis and goal prioritizing to rein supreme.

Works Cited


Sunday, October 30, 2011

B2C E-Commerce

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Professor Vengerov
Business to Consumer E-Commerce

Throughout the technological environment of the modern era a new form of commerce has emerged allowing people from all over the world to purchase goods and services over the Internet, or World Wide Web if you will, called E-Commerce. This new type of buying and selling has revolutionized the way consumers purchase goods and services, altering the whole aspect of how consumers and businesses interact. Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce has come about due to this revolutionary idea of buying and selling online, in which “the conducting of commerce by companies, government agencies, and institutions is orchestrated with consumers over the Internet.”[1]
A typical example of B2C e-commerce is, which is one of the most highly competitive e-business in the world. Some other examples include, Barnes and, and B2C e-commerce is not only commerce between businesses and people, but involves a whole array of procedures which includes customers collecting information on various types of products. There are two main categories of goods which can be sold online; physical or tangible goods (books, clothing, anything you can touch) and virtual goods (things which are sold electronically over the internet such as computer software, or e-books).
B2C e-commerce happens to be the earliest form of e-commerce as well as the second largest type of e-commerce. Purchasing tangible products or virtual products online aren’t the only benefits of B2C e-commerce. “The more common applications of this type of e-commerce are in the areas of purchasing products and information, and personal finance management, which pertains to the management of personal investments and finances with the use of online banking tools.”[2] The importance and economical values of B2C e-commerce are massive given that in the year 2000, $59.7 billion dollars was generated in revenue, which then climbed over $200 billion dollars by the year 2004.
There are numerous benefits to shopping online which may help consumers and businesses save crucial time and money, ultimately increasing the overall efficiency of the economy. B2C e-commerce helps to lessen transaction costs by allowing consumers to obtain information more quickly with less interference. Consumers are now able to compare the prices of different goods and services online to acquire the best price they are looking for with the click of a button, rather than traveling from store to store wasting valuable time and money. Benefits of B2C e-commerce not only apply to consumers, but also to businesses as well. The costs of creating an online store are much cheaper than building a physical brick and mortar structure, decreasing “market entry barriers.” The various online retailers who sell virtual or intangible goods are at an even higher advantage because they “save firms from factoring in the additional cost of a physical distribution network.”[3] For example, if an online distributor of applications software had to endure the process of creating physical storage devices to sell the applications software on and then distribute it to various locations, would be missing out on the benefits and reduced costs of allowing individual consumers to download the app. Software right from their web browser.
There are millions upon millions of products and services offered online, which metaphorically transforms your computer into the largest retail store imaginable, and it’s all made possible through e-commerce. B2C e-commerce has forever changed the way businesses and consumers interact, allowing both to save time, money, and valuable resources, which in turn improves the overall efficiency and speed of the economy.

Works Cited


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Web Applications

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Prof. Vengerov

Web applications have been around before the World Wide Web was popular or heavily used by people throughout the world. Web apps started out quite simple in the beginning during the late 80s, and became much more complex into the 90s. Web applications are applications programs accessed over the internet or extranet. “Web applications are, therefore, computer programs allowing website visitors to submit and retrieve data to/from a database over the Internet using their preferred web browser.”[1] Any application that uses the browser as a client is considered a web application.
Web apps can as simple as a sign-in book on a website, or complex such as a word processor or spreadsheet. The term ‘client’ refers to the program a user utilizes to start the application. Web apps are beneficial to web programmers because they do not have to build a specific ‘client’ for a specific computer. Instead, the client runs in a web browser, allowing people with different computer or operating systems to run the program. “Web applications commonly use a combination of server-side script (ASP, PHP, etc) and client-side script (HTML, Javascript, etc.) to develop the application.”[2] The presentation of information is portrayed using client-side script while the storing and retrieving of the information is designated by the server-script.
Web apps fall into two general categories, presentation-oriented, and service-oriented. Presentation-oriented web apps are applications which create web pages where the user can interact. These types of apps contain many types of markup languages including HTML and XML. Service-oriented web apps “implement the endpoint of a web service.”[3] Common web apps used frequently today are webmail, online retail sales, and wikis.
Many web applications are vital for use in the world of business. Many software-based companies are reaching out to adopt a new strategy in which they provide web access to software previously distributed as local applications. Some of the web apps available may require a whole new browser-based interface or altering it to present the information in a logical manner. These programs are available as a monthly or yearly fee for using these software applications instead of downloading them onto your hard drive, which takes up space. An ASP (application service provider) is a company that uses this type of software strategy. Web applications are Software as a Service when used in cloud computing models. There are many business applications provided as SaaS and require a fee dependant on their usage or can be a fixed fee. However, while some web apps cost money, many of them are free to use.



Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Types of Networks

Thomas Janovic
Information Technology
Week 7 Task 3 Research
October 19, 2011

Types of Networks: LAN, WAN, MAN, and Area Networks

Computer networks are made up of interconnecting groups of hardware and computers, connected through communication channels, or telecommunications equipment, ultimately for the purpose of sharing valuable information and resources among users. “One popular method used to categorize the different types of computer network designs is by the criteria of their scope or scale.” [1] Networking types can be broken down into four basic categories including personal area networks (PAN) which is based on Wifi wireless network technology, local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks (MAN), and wide area networks (WAN). Other sub types of area networks include wireless local area networks (WLAN), storage area network/system area network (SAN), campus area network (CAN), and desk area networks (DAN).
Computer networks are established through a wide array of connected hardware and software devices, as mentioned earlier. “Computer networks can be established using different hardware structures such as Ethernet, optical fiber or merely using wireless connections.”[2] The most common media type used to establish a network connection would be an Ethernet cable. Ethernet cables work by physically connecting the computer hardware devices through a network of wiring.
The first types of networks to come onto the telecommunications scene were LAN and WAN. The rest have quickly emerged as modern technology has evolved, mainly based off of those two technologies. LAN, or local area network, is a type of area network which connects network devices and telecommunications equipment over small distances. “Local area network resides within a small geographic area.” [3] Some typical examples of where LAN may be utilized are in schools, office buildings, and homes. It is not uncommon for a building to have more than one local area network operating at one time. LANs typically run throughout a limited amount of space and are usually owned and overseen by a single person or organization. The most common mediums used in LANs are uncoated, copper wires, sometimes twisted together, although fiber optic cables are becoming a widely excepted medium as well. LANs can be built to connect personal computers, laptop computers, desktop computers, or even powerful mainframe computers.
WAN, or wide area network, is an area network which spans over large distances. The largest WAN known to mankind is the internet, which literally spans over the entire world. WANs happen to be collections of separate LANs, all connected and working together through “routers,” physical devices used to join multiple wireless or wired networks together. One major difference between the LAN and WAN network types is the fact that while LANs are typically owned by one person or organization, WANs are “under collective or distributed ownership and management.” [4] If a company has many offices in different cities, sometimes people will need information from another server located in another branch location. In this case, a WAN network may be designed and appropriated to mediate this informational communication problem. As mentioned before, LANs may become interconnected, forming a better information system and ultimately creating a wide area network. Whenever a user accesses the internet to gather data from servers geographically located in another state or country or makes a long-distance phone call, they are using a WAN. WANs also provide network connections across national borders in which international laws and procedures are designed to regulate the flow of electronic data, often named “transborder dataflow.”
Personal area networks, or PANs, are wireless networks which connect various forms of information technology devices close to one person. They can be connected using either a wired device or wireless connection. The geographic range a PAN may work on typically reaches 20-30 feet in distance. Through this type of network, a digital camera or portable printer may be attached to the laptop or HPC without the need for wires, ultimately allowing the flow of data to be less complicated and easier overall. Calendar appointments, email, digital photos and music transfers are all practical and common uses for personal area networks. A fantastic example of a PAN is Bluetooth, which has become the industry standard for mobile PAN communications.
Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) are telecommunications networks which connects users with their computer systems in an area spanning an entire city or a University, usually up to 50 kilometers in distance. MAN can connect separate LANs in a city and combine them to form one large dragnet of larger networks. MAN has a variety of practical uses in certain facilities such as banks, online reservation systems, and in some military operations. MANs are known for providing high speed data, voice and internet traffic, in various locations which improves the operational capacity of the organization using it. Even though MANs are larger than LANs, they are quite smaller than other networks such as WANs, which span over entire cities. Metropolitan are networks, in many cases owned by one large corporation or government organization.
All of the networks listed above can be established using a wired or wireless network, depending on personal or organizational goals. The most important purposes of networks are to share various types of data and files which pertain to a business’s goals. Networking provides a much more cost effective technique as well as provides more storage space for files of data among users. Through a web of interconnected area networks, businesses or regular people can enjoy the benefits of downloading complex and expensive software all at a reasonable convenience. Networks have eliminated communication problems nationally and in many circumstances have closed the communication gap over the entire globe.

Works Cited


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Databases: Microsoft Access

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
DB Research
Database Products: Microsoft Access

“A database is an organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form.”[1] However, not every collection of data is a database so to speak, usually the data used in the database is in some form used in the organizational sense, such as managing and manipulating the personal and contact information for millions of customers, for example. There are many different types of databases to choose from, each offering a variety of organizational and personal benefits, depending on the specific needs of the individual or firm. There are desktop databases, which “are oriented toward single user applications, and server databases, which are geared more towards multi-user activities on high-performance servers.” Many types of database products exist on the market today and have offered users an un-paralleled way of organizing information.
One of the most widely known and popular database products is “Microsoft Access,” which is a “relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relationalMicrosoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools.”[3] In simple terms, MA is a tool to effectively manage, store, and manipulate a person’s or firm’s data or information. It runs pretty cheap, around 100-150 dollars depending, which is great for business firms that cannot afford the more expensive database products. With MA, one can reference their information at any time, report it to other users, and analyze information, transforming it into something useful for the person or the business. Microsoft Access is mainly for those who do not have such high requirements for data processing and data storage, not to say that MA cannot handle large amounts of information. MA is typically needed to “help you overcome the limitations found when trying to manage large amounts of information in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications.”[4] Navigation thought MA is very easy given the “graphical user interface.”
MA is commonly used on personal computers, however, can also be used through a network, where people from anywhere can have exchange information at a smooth and regulated flow. For small businesses, MA is a highly valuable tool, allowing users to manage personal information, also known as Personal Information Management (PIM). Many businesses use MA to collect and manage data on finances, human resources, employee relations, and other important genres of the business world. Nobody has to be an expert to use MA, and with the new database features, analyzing data and interpreting trends is easier than ever. Databases can be built faster and quicker than ever before using MA, as well as helping managers and business owners create better reports and business projects. People can also post their databases on the web, similar to what our class did in ZOHO. Adding your databases online can offer a variety of advantages, like viewing and editing them from the web on your mobile HPC or desktop. Another benefit to Access is it’s ability to import and export database information into other applications with ease including Microsoft excel, office, word, ect.
MA is available to everyone and makes organizational and personal life a lot easier when it comes to managing ones own information and data. “Whether your a large corporation, a small business owner, non-profit organization, or if you’re just looking for more efficient ways to manage your personal information, Access 2010 makes it easier to get what you need done more quickly with more flexibility, and with better results.”

Works Cited

1. Choosing a Databse for Your Organization.
2. Microsoft Access
3. Benefits of Databases: Types of Database Systems
4. What is Microsoft Access Used For?
5. Access 2010 Database Software Features and Benefits.

Answers to Questions

1. The newer versions of Access have newly introduced properties and many of the default settings have also changes such as formula applications for instance. Failure to investigate or update yourself on new information regarding MA can make a huge difference in the quality of database you create. Some of the problems with creating a new database are as follows. All the versions of Access, year 200 and later, have a property called “name auto-correct.” According to, “It tries to help users who rename a table field, so that queries, forms, and reports automatically recognize the new field.” One must turn off this app for each database you decide to create or a number of problems may occur with queries, forms, reports and it may not work with macros and code ect ect. For MA 2007 and later, it may be beneficial to uncheck the box “Enable Design changes for tables in datasheet view” when making different databases, depending on your specific tasks. Many of the default settings must be changed in some instances to get the most out of whatever the use is for your database.

2. Microsoft Access offers a huge competitive advantage in the business world, allowing that business to become more organized, and have a larger pool of data and information to draw from, which are used in the process of making important business decisions about the company’s future. MA allows a business to increase it’s efficiency, quality of service, and improving the work lives of it’s employees. Smart businessmen understand that competitive advantages can be attained with a highly advanced database management system tailored to fit their specific purpose(s). The reason MA is one of the most popular database management system products is because it allows customers of all educational backgrounds to cost-effectively solve many of their database problems. Organizations can analyze and interpret various forms of data using simple tools to get more done in less amount of time. Problems that can be solved using MA can be done so a lot cheaper than with alternate solutions, which in turn maximizes the organizations return on investment. Other advantages of MA include rapid application development, integration with other software such as excel and word, interfaces with many database formats, and generates reports in a more efficient manner. These other advantages can also help an org. gain a competitive advantage.

3. Although there are many advantages to using MA, lets not assume there is nothing Microsoft Access cannot improve on. For MA to stay on top of the list of database products it has to constantly evolve with new technology and consumer needs. For instance, Access is not ideal for Web Solutions. This means Access is not designed to make web sites and that the data access pages have limited use on intranets. There are also too many versions of Access and updating Access databases when updates are released is also challenging. There are certain programs that may be used to fix these problems, however, those features do not automatically come with MA. Access can also improve on certain security features for data and information protection. Even though MA is password protected, it doesn’t have the security features other SQL server or mainframe database systems have. The last thing I would suggest MA improves on is the size of certain databases on their program. There are databases on MA that are limited to 2 GB. If someone has data which exceeds the storage requirements, they cannot use Access to solve the problem entirely. Microsoft Access should allow for larger databases within their system to ensure that users with unusually large amounts of information can utilize their system.

W3 Zoho Lab

Query 1 Profit of Fruits and Vegetables


Information Technology

Networking Capabilities


LAN Local Area Network

WAN Spans A LONG Distance

This Is Alot Of Fun

  • Largemouth Bass
  • Smallmouth Bass
  • Nile Perch
  • Nile Crocodile
  • Northern Pike
  • Musky
  1. Summer Flounder
  2. Winter Flounder
  3. Sea Bass
  4. Tiger Skate
Fishing Reports Weather Conditions

How to Use Absolute Reference in Zoho