Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hardware and Software for Mobile Businesses

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Week 3 Task 3
Hardware and Software for Businesses on the Move

            The technological age we live in today has unwittingly sparked an evolution of business that has reached far into our atmosphere, even in outer space. With today’s technology, people can now conduct their businesses anywhere in the world without having to deal with the limitations of traveling or physically being at a computer, thanks to the new innovative information systems we have today, such as satellites and the internet for example. Many new hardware and software devices have been created to supplement these revolutionary technologies and have expanded the mobile counterpart of the business world
            Businessmen/women have a variety of options to choose from when acquiring new hardware and software for business in the mobile regime. Devices such as cell phones and smart phones have become very popular throughout recent years. “A smartphone is a high-end mobile phone that combines the functions of a personal digital assistant (PDA) and a mobile phone.”[1] Smart phones can access the internet, providing a plethora of information databases right at your fingertips. Portable media players and digital camers are other useful features available on smartphones. USB ports are available on some brands of smartphones as well. This allows businesses to travel around with large amounts of important business data and information while taking up as much space as a pack of gum. IOS, Blackberry, and Android are all types of handheld mobile devices. There are many other hardware devices to accent smartphones such as mobile printers and bluetooth. Laptops, such as the Ipad, are another great way for businesses to operate and strategize on the run. Laptops might be a little larger than smartphones in most cases, however offer many more applications and storage devices.  
            Once the proper hardware is found, it is then time to find the best possible types of software needed to fulfill your personal business goals, whatever they might be. Different types of software usually either come with the phone or laptop or need to be downloaded. “Business software is generally any software program that helps a business increase productivity or measure their productivity.”[2] Accounting software is a great tool for businesses to record and process certain business transactions to organize payroll, finances, and other helpful facts. Microsoft office is an example of software used on mobile devices which offers many useful applications to help a business with its financing, decision making, data interpretation, and operating systems through Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Microsoft OneNote is another feature of microsoft office which allows you to take notes for referencing later on. “There is another type of software that helps businesses called Human Resources Software,  in which the system records basic demographic and address data, selection, training and development, capabilities and skills management, compensation planning records and other related activities.”[3]
            There are so many more hardware and software devices businesses may utilize to improve their business or achieve their goals out of the office. Most software on desktop pcs is now able to fit within the handheld mobile devices of this generation. Therefore, busineses have more tools than they need to manage, operate, and lead like never before.

Works Cited

  1. Smartphones.
  2. Business Software’
  3. M-Business Anywhere.

Business Information Systems

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Week 2 Tasks
Business Information Systems: Electronic and Mobile Commerce

            Most people have come across different sorts of business systems throughout their life. Many of these business organizations thrive on the proper type of electronic systems such as software designed for mobile commerce or processing transactions, and are used in pretty much every aspect of the business world. Electronic and mobile commerce has been on of the most revolutionizing methods of communication in the world, used by nearly all businesses, and is one of the most important information systems available.
            Many people have heard the term “E-commerce,” whether it is on TV or in the newspaper. Business transactions made electronically either from business to consumer, business to business, or consumer to consumer are all examples of e-commerce. This system offers a cheap way for businesses to market and sell their product in a global market at a very low cost, rather than being subject to the limitations of geographical location. This idea has now taken flight and with technology today, people can conduct their business, make or change orders, or go online with a click of a button on their I-phone or laptop anywhere in the world. This is referred to as mobile commerce. Wireless devices such as phones, laptops and other mobile electronic equipment are essential for a company’s success and are great tools for businessmen/women to use so they do not have to be 10 places at once. E-commerce provides a uniquely efficient way to balance and save time. Now that entire business processes are automated, that extra time that was saved can now be put to another use to benefit the company.
            Not only does e-commerce save useful amounts of time and money, it can also increase a company’s stock prices and market value. Going even further, there are many businesses that are completely internet and IS-based called E-businesses, in which all business related tasks such as accounting, accounts receivable, or human resources are accomplished through business information systems.
            Information systems such as e-commerce or m-commerce involve various inputs, processing and outputs, which then provide adequate and informative feedback on whatever task one may be attempting to tackle. For example, an Ipod or mobile phone must have a network connection to access the internet. Once the device has a proper connection the person adds input such as book orders, a text to a friend, or an email to a loved one in another country. When the information, or input, is given, it starts to get processed into meaningful information. Imagine if you received a text from your friend in computer code. When the information is processed it becomes output. Through this process one may attain positive or negative feedback about the process.
            Business information systems such as e-commerce and mobile commerce serve as an extraordinary way for people to communicate and run their business through the most effective and efficient ways possible. It allows for a much more organized society and culture, as well as a newly evolved way of completing tasks that normally would have taken a day or two with conventional methods.  

Value Chain

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech.
Week 2 task 3
Value Chain

3. You have decided to open an internet site to buy and sell used music CDs to other students. Describe the value chain for your new business.

Upstream Management

Raw Materials
-         There will be no need for raw materials in this case because my company’s products are used CDs, not new ones. The CDs will be acquired from various sources such as music stores that are going out of business or we can buy up collections of used CDs from different vendors in the area. We will devise a technique to encourage people to mail in their old or unwanted CDs and maybe offer something to them such as a discount for the website or even a cash prize. Going from dorm room to dorm room might be time consuming but may be an effective technique nonetheless.
Inbound Logistics and Tracking Systems
-         The CDs that are being collected and shipped to us will have tracking devices on them so we know when they were shipped, from where they were shipped, and the arrival time of the product to our warehouse. Every single bit of information is crucial, especially time, in managing the arrival of products. It would help us to know when the product will arrive to ensure our customers receive the CDs in a timely manner.
Warehouse and Storage
-         Since the company is internet-based, a warehouse of some sort will either have to be rented/leased or purchased to store the used CDs. Locating a warehouse or storage facility with a reasonable price and enough storage space will be essential. The used CDs will be shipped to the warehouse facility location where they will be sorted and stored for future purchasing. The products will also be shipped out to consumers from this location. All this will be accomplished with a computer-based IS.
-         Since nothing here is manufactured by our company, there will be no need for a manufacturing plant or facility. However, our company will need to process and enhance the CDs to make them suitable for sale. Our company will build a separate compartment in the warehouse specifically designed for the purpose of cleaning and repairing old or worn out CDs. Once the compact discs are cleaned and working properly, they will be re-packaged and labeled for sale via an automated computer printing apparatus.

Downstream Management

Finished Product and Storage
-         Once the newly furnished CDs are packaged and ready for shipping, they will be placed in a clean, temperature controlled room to protect them from water damage or any other danger. There will be an automated system in which products will be stored and retrieved with the use of a highly advanced IS. The time to single-handedly look through hundreds of thousands of CDs is a daunting task to say the least. Retrieving and storing CDs will be done in a flash with our new IS. The CDs will be stored alphabetically to prevent any confusion.
Outbound Logistics
-         CDs shipped from our warehouse location will reach customers as fast as possible with today’s most effective shipping methods. USPS and UPS will be used depending on size of orders and shipping costs. There will be tracking devices on the boxes similar to those of CDs coming into the warehouse. Customers will be able to access our website and browse information about their order that is being shipped to them. They will be able to know how much more time it will take to be delivered as well as the exact time and date it left the warehouse. If something goes wrong with the shipment, at least the customer knows the company is not at fault.
Marketing and Sales
-         Though our website, we will team up with other colleges to effectively market our product. Colleges we decide to get on board will provide a convenient link on their homepage for their students to access. Flyers, as well as paper mail will be used to get our company name into the public. For new users, we will have a one time discount to intrigue people to use the site at least once or twice. Loyal customers will receive free CD cleaning for music CDs, video games, and information CDs that have been scratched, worn out, or unreadable. We guarantee all our products or they get their money back.
Customer Service
-         As said before, customers will be able to view their order on the website and be able to know when the package arrives. Our website will contain a customer service compartment where customers can provide valuable feedback from our products and services. There will be an educated staff available via telephone most hours of the week. Surveys will be mailed out to all customers who have bought CDs which will include a section where customer service, arrival time, and website accessibility will be rated.

Information Concepts

Thomas Janovic
Info Tech
Week 1: Task 3
Information Concepts: Data, Information, Knowledge, and their Processes

            When I hear the words data, information, and knowledge, I automatically throw them into the same category due to the fact that the words are so similar in nature. Especially in the world of business, data and information go hand in hand so often they are thought of as meaning the same thing. However upon further scrutiny, these words can be quite different in specific ways, each having their own precise definition. In this paper I will start to identify the similarities and differences between these commonly used words and describe the processes in which they are engaged.
            The actual definition of data, as puts it, is “qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables.”[1] When I think of the word data, I see sets of numbers racing across the computer screen like that movie, The Matrix. However, data doesn’t always have to be numbers. Nor is there only one type of data. “Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, refers to a collection of numbers, characters, images or other outputs from devices that collect information to convert physical quantities into symbols.”[2] Put simply, other certain types of data include image data, audio data, video data, and alphanumeric data (numbers, letters, ect).
            Information is the next step in the process of how data, information, and knowledge all fit together. For data to take on any meaning in our lives, we should be able to extract information from it. This grants data a much higher meaning beyond its numeric value. This data is now transformed into an idea in our minds, or information if you will. Information can be defined as “data that has been interpreted so that it has meaning for the user.[3] So you see, data are the raw facts taken from any specific medium, which can be interpreted in any given fashion to produce a piece of information.  Now that we have this information, we are on to knowledge.
Knowledge is what we know. Think of this as the map of the World we build inside our brains. Like a physical map, it helps us know where things are – but it contains more than that. It also contains our beliefs and expectations. “If I do this, I will probably get that.” Crucially, the brain links all these things together into a giant network of ideas, memories, predictions, beliefs, etc.”[4] Data and information are the first two processes in which our brain utilizes to create knowledge. Knowledge comes third in the process after data is turned into information. However, for something to be considered as knowledge there must be methods in which the data or information is patterned to create truth or it has to be undisputable. Nobody can consider something to be a piece of knowledge if there is even a slight chance that information is erroneous. Taking the time to extricate the facts not needed in whatever endeavor you might be on is a fantastic way to use knowledge to process data to information.
            To provide a conclusive understanding it always helps to hear an overall example of the processes.  An example online goes as follows “the height of Mt. Everest is generally considered as "data", a book on Mt. Everest geological characteristics may be considered as "information", and a report containing practical information on the best way to reach Mt. Everest's peak may be considered as "knowledge". [5] In conclusion, hopefully we have a better understanding of what these words mean and the processes by which each can be put together to achieve a goal.


2.,   Meaning of Data, information and knowledge

4., The Difference Between data, Information, and Knowledge.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Thomas Janovic

Thomas Janovic
Info. Tech
Week 2 Task 4
Decision Support Systems
There are wide varieties of information systems (IS) available to many different businesses and users. Once systems such as TPSs and ERPs were created and devised to reduce costs and personnel, it gave way to a newly made system called DSS, or decision support systems, which integrated the two information systems and helped business professionals and managers become better decision makers. Many areas throughout all types of businesses were improved with this new system which include marketing, human resource management, and administration.
            Managing or owning and operating a business can be difficult, therefore some businesses use highly advanced information systems, such as a DSSs to analyze and interpret data to make the most educated and responsible decisions possible. Decision support systems are vital to upper level management and are still being considered as a vital resource in the further development of information systems. “Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information system that supports business and organizational decision-making activities.”[1] DSSs were first realized in the early 1980s once computer experts discovered the decision-making properties information systems had to offer and soon implemented the first support systems that businesses could use for various purposes.
DSSs are used at different categories in the hierarchies of business infrastructures.  According to, “DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance.”[2] Any certain type of DSS will include different model components such as a model base to support decisions, a large database of raw data and information, and a set of systems and procedures used to help the user interface with the DSS. Different sorts of databases on a given DSS will be managed by certain types of software, however, this may not be true for all decision suport systems.
            DSSs may be used to gather information from all the company’s resources to decide whether it is feasible or not to embark on a new business venture. Resources from outside the firm may also be used in determining whether or not a business should expand or take on a new market.  “The DSS will collect and analyze the data and then present it in a way that can be interpreted by humans.”[3] This type of IS can also be used to analyze certain data collections, compare and contrast sales figures for different times of the present and previous years, and construct forecasts for future sales trends. DSSs have been said to be so complex and advanced that they somewhat resemble the technology of artificial intelligence, or A.I. One’s efficiency as well as their decision making abilities will become enhanced when utilizing certain types of DSSs. Other beneficial applications of DSSs include improved control and problem solving within certain types of businesses, a “competitive advantage”[3] over competitors, and helps lessen the requirements or duties of management personnel.
            Although information systems tend to be costly at times, they happen to perform some of the most important business functions such as helping a business gain an advantage over the competition, providing training for office personnel, and helping the business grow with new statistics and fresh interpretations of data and information. Everyone can benefit from decision support systems no matter what part of the country they are from or how large or small their business may be.

Works Cited

  1. , Decision Support Systems DCC (Definition.). I-way Software

  1. Decision support system.

  1. Webopedia, Decision support system.

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